Hickory, Dickory, and Doc

Hickory, Dickory, and Doc

Screenshot from the 1959 cartoon "Space Mouse" featuring Hickory, Dickory, and Doc
(art by Walter Lantz Studios).
Ownership information
Film Studio: Walter Lantz Productions/
Universal Studios
Format: Animated cartoon
Debut: "Space Mouse" (Sep 7th, 1959)
Production #: U-103
Runtime: 6 minutes
Creators: Produced by Walter Lantz,
directed by Alex Lovy,
Paul Frees as Doc,
Dal McKennon as Hickory,
Grace Stafford as Dickory,
music by Clarence Wheeler
Series details
Main cast: Hickory, Dickory, and Doc
Species: Anthropomorphic
mice and cat
Setting: Earth

In the 1959 Universal Studios theatrical short "Space Mouse", producer Walter Lantz introduced three new cartoon characters: a cat named Doc and two mice named Hickory and Dickory. Hickory, Dickory, and Doc appeared together in two more shorts. Doc subsequently appeared solo in six more cartoons.


Filmography of Hickory, Dickory, and Doc

# Episode Title Prod # Original Air Date Notes
1 Space Mouse U-103 September 7th, 1959[1][2][3] First appearance of Hickory, Dickory, and Doc.
A cat named Doc attempts to capture and sell two mice, Hickory and Dickory, to NASA for laboratory tests.
2 Mouse Trapped U-104 December 8th, 1959[4][5][6]
Hickory and Dickory are watching television, when suddenly the program is interrupted by a special police bulletin. Since it is Friday the 13th, the mayor and the police commissioner have proclaimed all black cats a menace to the city's safety, and have therefore ordered the capture of all such cats. When police cars from every direction converge on Doc, a black cat, Hickory and Dickory endeavor to save him, but every effort on their part somehow backfires. Finally, Doc finds a can of whitewash and paints himself white. Just when he thinks that he's safe, Hickory and Dickory turn a hose on him, and the police hunt begins again. The story ends with Doc being sent up in a makeshift space capsule to orbit the Earth.
3 Witty Kitty U-106 January 5th, 1960 or
February 2nd, 1960?[7][8][9]
Available on Woody Woodpecker and Friends, Vol. 10 (DVD; Columbia House Club, Spring? 2004)
Two hungry alley cats devise a scheme to get something to eat, by pulling "the old raffle game". They set up a raffle for a turkey and convince Doc to draw a ticket. Since there was actually only one ticket, Doc naturally wins. The alley cats tell Doc that he can claim his prize from a nearby residence. Unfortunately, the turkey is in a refrigerator guarded by a watchdog named Cecil. Doc makes a number of unsuccessful attempts to get past Cecil, and Hickory and Dickory only complicate matters. He finally succeeds in grabbing the turkey after placing rollerskates on the dog. However, Cecil breaks through the door and spoils their anticipated feast.

Filmography of Doc (co-starring Champ)

# Episode Title Prod # Original Air Date Notes
4 Freeloading Feline U-116 June 15th, 1960 or
September 7th, 1960?[10][11][12]
First appearance of Champ. Available on Woody Woodpecker and Friends, Vol. 11 (DVD; Columbia House Club, July 2004).
In a big city penthouse, a high society party is in progress. Far below, in Dish Pan Alley, Doc emerges from his dilapidated packing box and nonchalantly rings a gong. A bulldog named Champ jumps up and starts jabbing a punching bag. The bag swings back and hits Champ's glass jaw, sending him to the ground. Doc gets Champ drooling when he lists the various tasty foods at the party. Later, Doc and Champ arrive at the penthouse entrance just as a freeloader is tossed out. Champ is mistaken for the new food server sent from the agency. However, Doc is immediately thrown out. Champ is warned to keep the freeloaders out. Doc approaches the entrance, but Champ, taking his new duties seriously, throws him out. Angered at Champ's betrayal, Doc tries several different tricks to crash the party. Doc gains entrance to the party several times, but he's ejected by Champ each time. The battle between Doc and Champ ultimately leaves the party a shambles. The host realizes that Champ is also a freeloader and ejects him.
5 Tin Can Concert Presents
The Cinderella Overture by Rossini
U-137 October 1st, 1961 or
October 31st, 1961?[13][14][15]
Champ does not appear in this episode.
Doc enters a rehearsal hall and sets himself on top of a grandfather clock, using it as a podium from which he will conduct an all-cat symphony orchestra in a rendition of Gioachino Rossini's Cinderella Overture. A mouse is peacefully sleeping inside the clock, underneath the swinging pendulum. As Doc directs the orchestra, he leans over and playfully lowers the pendulum so that the mouse begins swinging with its motion. The angry mouse attempts to out-scream the band, but he's muffled by Doc. He crawls back into his bed beneath the pendulum, but he again is caught in its swinging motion. The conflict continues back-and-forth between Doc and the poor mouse. Finally, using a musical saw, the mouse cuts off the podium, sending Doc crashing to the floor. The mouse then takes the baton and leads the band as the pendulum beats time on Doc's head.
6 Doc's Last Stand U-139 December 19th, 1961[16][17][18] Available on Woody Woodpecker and Friends, Vol. 7 (DVD; Columbia House Club, October 2003).
Doc sets up a traveling store, from which he intends to sell all manner of things to the settlers of the Old West. The wagon is drawn by his faithful canine friend, Champ. They pull into an Indian reservation, "Scalpum Village", and Doc displays his wares. After a number of minor sales, he finds a wealthy Indian with who doesn't want anything except female companionship. Hoping to make a killing, Doc tells Champ that they have to somehow locate an available female. Doc proceeds to dress the dog up to look like a beautiful squaw. The Indian is unimpressed with the "beauty" until Doc gives him a whiff of "Indian Love Call" perfume. Doc gets paid, but Champ can't get away from the love-crazed Indian. The pursuit ends when the Indian chases Champ right into Doc's wagon, sending the contents flying all over. A lady's wig lands on the conniving cat's head, and the Indian switches his attention to Doc, chasing him into the distance.
7 Pest Of Show U-143 February 13th, 1962[19][20][21] Available on Woody Woodpecker and Friends, Vol. 14 (DVD; Columbia House Club, Autumn? 2004) and Woody Woodpecker Favorites (DVD; Universal, 03/10/2009).
Desperately in need of money, Doc prepares Champ for the upcoming dog show that offers a $50,000 prize and a banquet to the winner. After weeks of training and preparation, Doc leads Champ to the arena for the competition. In spite of some taunting by two alley cats, Champ is awarded first prize, and Doc is handed the cup by the judges. Doc wastes no time getting to the banquet table. The alley cats sprinkle pepper on Champ's bone from an open skylight overhead, and Champ begins to sneeze. Furious, Champ pulls the vent of the skylight, causing the two cats to fall down onto the banquet table. Before long, food is scattered everywhere and the arena is wrecked. Doc and Champ are forcefully ejected from the show.
8 Punchy Pooch U-145 September 4th, 1962[22][23][24] A.K.A. "Punch Pooch" or "Pouchy Pooch". Available on Woody Woodpecker and Friends, Vol. 12 (DVD; Columbia House Club, Summer? 2004).
At a carnival, Doc enters Champ in a boxing match against "The Australian Bounder", a fighting kangaroo. The winner receives $500 if he can remain in the ring for four rounds. Doc and Champ soon learn that the kangaroo and his manager don't fight fair. To assist Champ in winning, Doc comes up with a variety of schemes. He tries to convince the kangaroo that Champ is a mother with child, then that Champ has the measles and, in the final round, he puts Champ on a unicycle so that he can outrun his opponent.
9 Corny Concerto U-157 October 30th, 1962[25][26][27] Available on Woody Woodpecker and Friends, Vol. 14 (DVD; Columbia House Club, Autumn? 2004).
Doc prepares Champ for a comeback in the boxing ring, when suddenly the punching bag breaks. While repairing it, Doc mistakenly drops the hammer on Champ's foot, causing him to hop around in a painful fit. A beatnik coffee shop owner notices their "act", and offers them money if they will play at his club. Opening night at "The Hungry Me" bar is a great success, their act creating enthusiastic finger-snapping by the other beatniks. Soon, Champ's name is up in lights, and he's acclaimed as a star, but Champ isn't happy because his foot is taking a heck of a beating. When Doc appears on opening night at Carnegie Hall with a huge mallet, Champ rebels and refuses to let Doc hit his foot anymore. A wild chase around the stage finally ends with a sandbag falling on Champ's sore foot. After several more shows, Champ finally quits, but he is conned into returning for one more concert. When Doc attempts to hit Champ's foot with a hammer, Champ beats him to it and hits Doc's foot instead. The conniving cat hops and yells wildly, much to the delight of the beatnik audience.

See also


External links